Tuesday 12 August 2008

Psychic Ability

In ancient times humans had a natural awareness likened to that of all wild creatures. The ability to sense danger or to use instinct slowly became obsolete to the majority of humans while we came to rely on other sources of information. If we want to know the weather we watch the TV weather report instead of observing the subtle atmospheric changes outside our houses. We rely on technical equipment and science to do these things for us. In ancient times our awareness was much stronger when it had to be used. Fisherman, hunters and communities such as the North American Indians lived outside and had to take notice of insects, plants and other natural occurrences to predict approaching danger, sense wild animals in search of food and trusted their instinct to survive and make correct choices. We all have the ability to sense what is around us if we learn to listen and see more than what is obvious to our most common senses. Our natural instinct is to survive and live the best way for each of us. Being in touch with our inner guide is more important during times of stress, illness and especially bereavement to help us to cope.How many times have you met a person, for no logical reason you just cant take to them? How many times have you said?" I don't know, there's just something about her/him, cant put my finger on it"
How many times have you walked into a friends house, everything seemingly fine, but you just know that something has occurred before you walked in?


What is Psychometry?
Psychometry is a psychic ability in which a person can sense or "read" the history of an object by touching it. Such a person can receive impressions from an object by holding it in his/her hands or, perhaps, touching it to the forehead. Such impressions can be perceived as images, sounds, smells, tastes - even emotions.
Psychometry is a form of scrying - a psychic way of "seeing" something that is not ordinarily seeable. Some people can scry using a crystal ball, black glass or even the surface of water. With Psychometry, this extraordinary vision is available through touch.
For example, a person who has psychometric abilities - a psychometric - can hold an antique ring and be able to tell something about the history of that ring, about the person who owned it, about the experiences that person had while in the possession of that ring. The psychic may be able to sense what the person was like, what they did and even how they died. Perhaps most important, the psychic can sense how the person felt - the emotions of the person at a particular time. Emotions especially, it seems, are most strongly "recorded" in the object.
The psychic may not be able to do this with all objects at all times and, as with all psychic abilities, accuracy can vary, but the ability is available to the psychic
Think of the object as a tape player, playing back the information stored within it!
How to tune up your psychometric abilities
Ask a friend/relative or preferably someone you do not know that much about to let you hold a ring, necklace even there door keys.
Clear your mind of your own life and worries, take notice of how you are feeling, any aches and pains that belong to you.
Hold the object in your hand and relax.
Imagine the object glowing with light, slowly getting brighter.
See the light being soaked up by your hand and make its way around you and your own aura.
Now how do you feel, remember everything you are seeing sensing, feeling etc is not you. The sensations, images etc all belong to the owner of that object.
Just give what you get. Remembering all the time of your self responsibility!!!


Each and everyone of us are created from the great spirit. The reason we are here is by choice. We have decided and chosen upon specific lessons to help us grow spiritually. Some maybe who only live on this earth plain or connect to another for a few months may have chosen simply to feel the connection to the earth plain.
As we grow, so does the entirety of our soul groups and the spirit realm. For each person may experience or suffer the same, but each will react differently and have different results also leading to different outcomes.
It is very much the point that it is not enough to simply theorise a situation or how a person will react to, or come out of a situation in a certain way. Because every one of us is different. Each one of us was brought up by different parents and different environments.
And so by us living the lessons of life on this earth, then and only then can you actually reliably understand and accept how each individual, each soul will react and grow from an experience.
Whilst you are going through the rubbish that life can throw at you, it doesn't seem possible that infact you would choose such a path. But when at the end of your time comes on this earth plain. You will realise the invaluable lessons and wisdom you have learnt. And unfortunately can only be got through experiencing the bad times as well as the good.
It is strange, when you think about how many times a situation seems to repeat itself in your life. when you look back, you will realise that infact the situation is repeating itself because you have not dealt with it, you haven't learnt the lesson from that situation or person. Once you have done that, you find the cycle stops. And you do indeed move on to your next lesson.
But remember, you have not just chosen to learn the harsh lessons, to experience the worst. You have also chosen to add into your life, feeling love, giving love. Enjoying happy times, looking into your Childs eyes ,their laughter. Those moments will always out way the downside. This is because these are the true lessons to experience. Love, Joy and humility.
Many times people ask, if god was so loving, why would the great spirit take our loved ones from us.
It is not of gods doing, it is our choice when our life on this earth plain ends and we return back to the spirit realm. If for instance, god was to interfere every time someone who should pass back to spirit, doesn't because someone wants them here alive physically. This would be a very cramped world. No one would pass over. When we mourn and grieve for a loss of someone or a pet. Truly this is mourning the loss to us. The person, pet or whoever isn't bothered for themselves. They have been received home again. They feel no more pain, no anger, no negative rubbish that only here we experience. They are surrounded by love, family and are cared for continuously. The only remorse they would have is the pain that has been left behind. Not by them, but by the people feeling that anguish on this earth plain.
Suicides are often portrayed and horrifically so as possibly now being lost souls because they took their own life. That they are lost to spirit and to god. The only thing different about this passing as any other is that infact this was not a choice, this was not indeed part of the plan. This is not a lesson you can learn or overcome. Because we were given free will, these people have decided to choose cut short their life on this earth plain. They will be collected as all are and taken home by family members and guides. They will as we all do have to look over there life on this earth. They are not judged by anyone but themselves. They will realise their accomplishments as well as any lesson not learnt. Including the fact they shortened there agreed earthly life span. they then can choose to come back and try again. or if they wish they can develop in other way. They are not punished, they are not judged by a vengeful god. They are not banished to the depths of hell. They are not a lost soul! By taking their own life they were fully aware before passing that would indeed cause the shut down of their physical body and so knew that they would be returning home.
Some souls are bound to this earth plain, this is of their choice. They have never been and never will be lost to spirit, but can be lost to themselves. You normally find people who have committed the most horrific deed on earth have bounded themselves to this earth plain as they are fearful of what reception they will get when they go back home. As the saying goes, "As we live our lives on earth, we make our home in heaven" But they will constantly have someone there ready to travel with them across that celestial ocean.
Accident victims and so forth, are already known to be crossing over before they even have. There will be a collection party for them. And guides, counsellors and family members and friends to help them adjust to the fact of being back home.
So why are we here? To live, to Learn and then to return home. Allowing our loved ones here on this earth plain to overcome another lesson. Grief, to learn and understand that indeed one day you will be together again when it is their time to return back to the spirit world. And in doing so, starting the cycle of loss again. For their family and friends to overcome and understand.

Self Responsibility

Everything we do in life causes a reaction. Every word, every decision we make is an action. And actions cause reactions, it’s … that simple!
By understanding how we affect so many people by our actions, we then need to understand what the after affects of those actions will produce, the shock wave as it were. As a medium/psychic we have more responsibility our shoulders than a vast number of people who choose to walk other pathways. Why? Because we are directly affecting peoples lives at an emotional level, which can also manifest into the physical.
When we are passing on messages form loved ones, we owe it to ourselves, the spirit world, and the person your giving that reading to. By flippantly giving any old message we can destroy someone’s belief in the afterlife. Affectively destroying another’s belief there mum, dad whomever is fine and doing there thang! In the spirit world. What an awful and disgusting thing to take away from anyone, the belief that the one you love is alive and well!
A mediums job as such, and this is actually all a medium is there to do, is to provide evidence of someone’s existence in spirit form. That’s it. No prophecies, No telling someone what they should do in there life. Just provide the evidence and that’s it. Job done!
The messages from loved ones who have passed, are more on a supportive note, or simply to say hi and they send there love. The spirit world can not interfere in another’s life, no matter how much they would love to. But they can’t as that would be affecting another’s free will and life path made by personal choices.The spirit world may give you messages as they would say them when they were on this earth plain. They are relying upon your personal responsibility as a medium to interpret the message in a responsible fashion.
There are a hundred and none different ways to say the same thing; it is your choice, your responsibility as a medium what words you choose to use to express the message given to you.
Please remember this in all undertakings of message giving!!!!!
Personal Responsibility in our personal lives:
To understand the affects of lack of personal responsibility in Mediumship we really need to look at our earthly lives. How many of us, me included, blame others for there reactions or actions that affect us on a personal level. Whether justified or not, we do have to accept that people, events react to our actions and decisions to create them actions.
This part is not for you to wallow and think” yup I shouldn’t have done this, I shouldn’t have done that” The only lesson you fail in life, is one you haven’t bothered learning from. Even if another’s actions have made you react badly or in a negative way it is still your responsibility for reacting in a certain fashion, whether that is lashing out or simply blaming everything else on someone else.
It is also your responsibility to let another person know in a constructive way that there actions have caused a negative reaction in you. Example: If some one has hurt your feelings by something they have said etc, it is your responsibility to let them know you are hurt by what has been said. That is after you take into account your part in the situation that may have caused those persons verbal comments!
A simple” you know that has really hurt my feelings” can make another realise something has been said possibly unjustified to cause that pain. By understanding our choices and affects in our every day life, we can then start to understand the affects we can have on another via our actions

Spirit Team

As you can imagine your pathway and journey whilst in the spirit world means different kind of team members are needed, as opposed to the ones you will need whilst walking your pathway on this earth plain. All are different, all come from different branches of the tree, all from varying levels of knowledge and experience. But every single one of them have a single focus….That would be you!
Up until the lofty branches of the Masters level, each and every one of these individuals have walked this earth plain, and only through study, experience and understanding have they worked there ways up the tree towards the golden apple The Big G /God /Source.
Now these guys interact with you far more closely and in a way more proactively than those from the Angelic realms. The Angelic team are a whole different ball game and a whole different kinda team. For these guys have never walked the earth plain, have never experienced what you have. That is why these guys tend to help and guide you more on an emotional level. Love, Peace and all the good stuff. You can only truly guide another if you have gone through it yourself! These guys haven’t, and have only ever existed within a realm of pure love.
The Individual Players of your team.
Each and every single player has been up and down the branches, through the levels, left and right, backwards and forwards. You name it at some point or another they have been there, or will be there, done it and worn the t-shirt or still printing up that t-shirt! Even God has done this, not in its/his/hers entire form as such, but as we are sparks of god, what we experience so has God.
So let’s start with manager of the Team…
God/The Source/The Big G:
There isn’t any real need I don’t think to explain Gods part in all this; I would suspect you already have a good idea of what being god is about…
The Masters
One branch away from source. These guys are incredibly knowledgeable, they have existed , experienced every possibly situation and lifetime they individually could. These individuals have developed to the next highest level any soul can possible develop to. They have nearly become one with God. They do not exist in a world or heaven as we perceive it. They do not live in houses; roam around in spiritual clad clothes etc. These guys have developed to the point where they have no need for earthly desires or needs. They have no need to hold on to there individual personalities as such, names mean nothing to them as they are now becoming whole again, becoming part of god. They are literally the purest form a soul can be.
Of course they still have there own personalities etc as each personality each life time they have lived adds to the collective knowledge base but the need to cling on to it has nearly gone. These are the guys who answer as “we” and not “I” Extremely rare but some Masters still reincarnate to walk a path on the earth plain. But this is very rare! Incredibly spiritual figures such as Jesus, Buddha etc would be descended masters.
The Teachers
This team of players are on the next branch down as such, they too like the Masters have lived many lives, experienced what they have needed to as individuals etc. Have an immense amount of knowledge individually and as a group. But by there teachings and guidance this aids spirit, and themselves to develop. To become masters. But unlike the masters there is still the “I “aspect rather than “we” They are nearly there, just not quite yet. These players do still return to journey life’s pathway if it is needed.
I think you will get the jist by now. The more lifetimes, experiences, lessons etc you have learnt etc the higher up the tree you go, also the fewer amounts of times you need to revisit in a physical form.
These guys still have a pathway to travel, they still at some point might return to the earth plain in a physical existence. These guys have the knowledge and understanding of spirit at many levels, still very much the “I” rather than “we”.
Trainee Guides.
Oh yes indeedy…even guides need to learn how to be a guide, they have to start somewhere! And god help them, they choose you…(I’m only kidding. It’s only my guides that have been bribed into working with me!
These individuals have gone through hell and back just as the guys above them as such. But this group is very much still connected and associated with the earth plain. They understand the “we” part as all above do, but most certainly are not ready to let go of that earthly individualism just yet. Don’t underestimate their knowledge, because they have tons of it.
You are helping the trainee guides as much as they are helping you. As you learn, they learn.
If you can imagine a medium during communication. Your Guide is standing there helping and aiding you, but someone steps forward that maybe is a little bit different than you or your trainee guide has encountered previously. Remember the spirit world will never allow anything to get to a point where the guidance you are getting will affect you in a negative way. This is when the guides step in, even the teachers, and when needed but very rare a master! The change is very subtle, and barely noticeable. But it can be felt if you just realised it.
Think about a time that you started a communication and no matter what it felt like you were treading water, the images are foggy or confusing and it’s making no sense. Suddenly something clicks, the images become clearer and you start to flow. Now do you see the change what I am speaking of?
Either the trainee guide has stepped back and a guide has stepped forward, or the trainee guide has gone back to the spirit world got advice and came back and sorted it for you.
Never make the mistake in thinking your trainee guide or anyone from the spirit world who is helping you has messed up! Never think that. What has happened is YOU have misinterpreted something you have been given, or YOU are not quite working as you normally do because the communication or situation is different or YOU’RE not linking in quite strongly enough!
When the change happens it is because your L Plate guide has needed advice in how to sort you out, or has stepped back to allow another in to kick your booty!
NEVER blame or accuse the spirit world of not working with you properly or giving you the wrong information, or made you go round the houses to work out the evidence they have just given you.
Be thankful that there is a system in place with your team that basically can stop you making a complete hash of the situation. But sometimes no matter what or who has stepped forward or is helping you.
Appreciate always that you have a remarkable team of individuals volunteering to take you under there wing as such.
Be humble in the knowledge that there are individuals within your team that have more knowledge and experience than you at this point in time could imagine!
Sometimes you will simply crash and burn because no matter what you, just arnt getting it or in some cases don’t want to!!!!
And sometimes a lesson in egotism needs to be taught! It’s not the spirit world teaching you a lesson as such, they don’t want you to feel down or mistrust your abilities. If this happens it is simply because you have done it to yourself!
You’re Higher Self…that would be you!
The one guide, helper and spirit connection that we all at some point forget about, and is the most personal and most important one. your high self. Your soul, your higher consciousness. Think about it…What you see every day in the mirror, what you feel when you hurt your back etc is a shell. A physically shell to transport you through this lifetime. Hands up who thought the spirit world connected and communicated with a bag of bones covered in a skin covering? No of course you didn’t (wink)
The immediate connection no matter what in working with spirit or your spiritual self is your higher self.
Your physical self, your earthly self is this bag of bones covered in a skin wrapper I mentioned a second ago. Your higher self and your earthly self co exist with each other, they feel like one and the same; accept when it comes to Mediumship and communication. How do you hear names? Is it really from inside your head? Or is it from the back, the side etc. You may interpret it inside your head, but where did the connection come from? If it really was from within your head, then why don’t you say you thought the name? Normally it’s, I heard, they have just told me etc
It would have come from a connection slightly outside of your physical self.


What is symbology?
Symbology is something we are taught and we digest at a very early age. Everything from the colour red meaning Danger, to a Black cat meaning good luck. One image that means a certain thing.
We use these images every day of our life. This is also true within your psychic and Mediumship work also.
It is vitally important that you build and add to your own personal data base by reading books, watching TV programmes or simply by taking notice of symbols used in your every day life.
The bigger the hard drive, the better the evidence. You will find that rather than just one meaning, a single image can have several meanings. The same goes for sensations, taste and so on all that you will experience whilst working on a spiritual level and psychic. By understanding and noticing these usually very subtle images and sensations you will be astounded at how much in the past you have missed and left out of a message!